Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Today I thought I'd write a little bit about what Christmas means for me.

Family. What is more, Christmas traditions/Christmastime itself seem to bring out all the parts of my family that remind me just how much I love them.
I had a great realization last night. Whereas the last time I saw  my family I was going through post-mission withdrawal, trying to get used to t-shirts instead of ties and missing the feeling of having a badge on my chest, this time around I am experiencing absolutely none of that sadness. Instead of being sad that I just finished my mission, I'm happy that I survived this round of finals!

Food. I woke up this morning to one of my dad's famous american breakfasts; last night some kind neighbors brought over delicious chocolate chip cookies. It should only get better from here.

Music. This December has probably been one of the most musical months of my life, peaking the Sunday before last (sacrament meeting musical numbers + MTC Men's Chorus Christmas concert) and continuing on earlier this evening (family Christmas hymns and jamming with my sister and mom).

Peace. As Christmas draws near (and New Years after it), I tend to reflect on both the past and the future, conversing with God about each of them in turn. I can't help but feel peace as hindsight's clear lens shows me how God has directed my life to bring me where I am and hope's bright light illuminates a wonderful world of possibilities ahead.

Christ. I am overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude as I think about how God would send His only begotten Son to die for me. He knows how much I need His help, and has done so, so much to be able to give it to me; His love and mercy make me want to sing His praises and never stop.

Merry Christmas!